Package Repository Properties#

PPA properties#

The following properties are supported for PPA-type repositories:

  • type
    • Type: enum[string]

    • Description: Specifies type of package-repository, must currently be apt

    • Examples: type: apt

  • ppa
    • Type: string

    • Description: PPA shortcut string

    • Format: <ppa-owner>/<ppa-name>

    • Examples:
      • ppa: snappy-devs/snapcraft-daily

      • ppa: mozillateam/firefox-next

The following properties are supported for UCA-type repositories:

  • type
    • Type: enum[string]

    • Description: Specifies type of package-repository, must currently be apt

    • Examples: type: apt

  • cloud
    • Type: string

    • Description: UCA release name

    • Format: <uca-release>

    • Examples:
      • cloud: antelope

      • cloud: zed

  • pocket
    • Type: enum[string]

    • Description: Pocket to get packages from, must be either updates or proposed

    • Default: If unspecified, pocket is assumed to be updates

    • Examples:
      • pocket: updates

      • pocket: proposed

Deb properties#

The following properties are supported for Deb-type repositories:

  • architectures
    • Type: list[string]

    • Description: Architectures to enable, or restrict to, for this repository

    • Default: If unspecified, architectures is assumed to match the host’s architecture only (even for multi-arch builds)

    • Examples:
      • architectures: [i386]

      • architectures: [i386, amd64]

  • components
    • Type: list[string]

    • Description: Apt repository components to enable: e.g. main, multiverse, unstable

    • Examples:
      • components: [main]

      • components: [main, multiverse, universe, restricted]

  • formats
    • Type: list[string]

    • Description: List of deb types to enable

    • Default: If unspecified, format is assumed to be deb, i.e. [deb]

    • Examples:
      • formats: [deb]

      • formats: [deb, deb-src]

  • key-id
    • Type: string

    • Description: 40 character GPG key identifier (“long-form thumbprint” or “fingerprint”). The Craft Application will first look for the corresponding key at: <project>/snap/keys/<key-id[-8:]>.asc. If the key is not found, the key will be fetched from the key-server. To determine a key-id from a given key file with gpg, type the following: gpg --import-options show-only --import <file>

    • Format: alphanumeric, dash - , and underscores _ permitted.

    • Examples:
      • key-id: 590CA3D8E4826565BE3200526A634116E00F4C82

        The Application will look for a corresponding key at <project>/snap/keys/E00F4C82.asc

  • key-server
    • Type: string

    • Description: Key server to fetch key <key-id> from

    • Default: If unspecified, The Craft Application will attempt to fetch a specified key from

    • Format: Key server URL supported by gpg --keyserver

    • Examples:
      • key-server:

      • key-server: hkp://

  • path
    • Type: string

    • Description: Absolute path to repository (from url). Cannot be used with suites and components

    • Format: Path starting with /

    • Examples:
      • path: /

      • path: /my-repo

  • suites
    • Type: string

    • Description: Repository suites to enable

    • Notes: If your deb URL does not look like it has a suite defined, it is likely that the repository uses an absolute URL. Consider using path

    • Examples:
      • suites: [xenial]

      • suites: [xenial, xenial-updates]

  • type
    • Type: enum[string]

    • Description: Specifies type of package-repository

    • Notes: Must be apt

    • Examples:
      • type: apt

  • url
    • Type: string

    • Description: Repository URL.

    • Examples:
      • url:

      • url:


PPA repository using “ppa” property#

  - type: apt
    ppa: snappy-dev/snapcraft-daily

UCA repository using “cloud” property#

  - type: apt
    cloud: antelope

UCA repository using “pocket” property#

  - type: apt
    cloud: antelope
    pocket: updates

Typical apt repository with components and suites#

  - type: apt
    components: [main]
    suites: [xenial]
    key-id: 78E1918602959B9C59103100F1831DDAFC42E99D

Apt repository enabling deb sources#

  - type: apt
    formats: [deb, deb-src]
    components: [main]
    suites: [xenial]
    key-id: 78E1918602959B9C59103100F1831DDAFC42E99D

Absolute path repository with implied root path “/”#

  - type: apt
    key-id: AE09FE4BBD223A84B2CCFCE3F60F4B3D7FA2AF80

Absolute path repository with explicit path and formats#

  - type: apt
    formats: [deb]
    path: /
    key-id: AE09FE4BBD223A84B2CCFCE3F60F4B3D7FA2AF80